Falling Thrice (Positive)

Downwards to
the passing breeze
old leaves scatter
with envious ease.

Downwards to
from great heights
tired eyes drink in
the deserved sight.

Downwards to
from further away
now closer to those
you choose to give sway.

“Downwards to”
gives falling meaning
as opposed to falling
without seeing.

Falling Thrice (Negative)

Down in the deep
well behind the water, droplets scatter to end their fall.
But they don’t stop scattering, and can’t start smattering
against the bottom wall.
The well hasn’t been filling, and so the droplets haven’t stopped spilling
behind the waterfall.

Down in the deep
chimney of the chute, ashes set off in flight.
Yet more just kept coming, sending lungs hacking
until they ruin our sight.
The profits have appeared, and so landscapes are cleared
until day is night.

Down in the deep
rabbit holes in our mind, right before sleep.
Uncertainties overwhelm, listing secrets you can’t tell
instead of counting sheep.
The conspiracies have risen, and now it is a given
to fall in the deep.